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DR Panels


DR or Direct Radiography is the latest in digital technology. We offer several different packages from several different manufacturers. Additional DR manufacturers may not be listed. Package offerings vary between products. Click on a manufacturer for details.

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Rayence DR

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Solutions for Chiropractic, Veterinary, Medical, Orthopedic, and Podiatry. Wireless & Tethered

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20/20 Imaging

2020 imaging logo.png

Solutions for Chiropractic, Veterinary, Medical, Orthopedic, and Podiatry. Wireless & Tethered

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JPI ExamVue

JPI Logo.png

Solutions for Chiropractic, Veterinary, Medical, Orthopedic, and Podiatry. Wireless & Tethered


LG DR Systems

LG Logo.png

Solutions for Chiropractic, Veterinary, Medical, Orthopedic, and Podiatry. Wireless & Tethered

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